I’m proud to say that cornerstonestudents.com’s readership and viewership is growing since its inception. As part of the current strategy, I am aiming to increase the quality of our on-line presence and invite all authors to contribute a blog post on the website. If you are up to the challenge, contact me using the contact form.
Anyone can submit a post to my blog as long as the articles are fairly well written, and adhere to my guidelines, which you will find below. Let me remind you that blogging is not for everyone, so do not hesitate to submit to me even if you do not have your own blog. If you do, then that’s great and I will link back to you from here. Take note “fairly well written” means that you have properly checked your grammar and spelling.
Please note that your stories or articles are not limited only to education. Fashion trends, the latest in electronic gadgets and travel also fall under my scope. Some topics or subjects may be extremely broad so you pretty much have free-reign. If you are unsure, just drop me a quick mail and I will let you know if it fits.
Here are the most common topics that you may want to cover:
- Arts and Culture
- Blogging
- Education
- Electronics
- Fashion
- Food
- Health ‘n Medicine
- Hotels
- Lifestyle
- Money Saving Advice
- Photography
- Reviews
- Study Abroad
- Traveling
So, if you are looking for opportunities to grow your readership and build fresh links to your site, here is an opportunity to add to your to-do list. The number of articles you write in a month depend solely on you and I am here to help if necessary. I will also post the articles on my social media pages for further exposure.
Before submitting your article, please get familiar with the contents on the blog. See the rest of the guidelines below:
- Please make sure that your article is original, and has not been published elsewhere prior to your submission;
- I am only looking for blog posts that readers can associate with com. Furthermore, I am looking for articles and posts that are relevant to the categories mentioned on the site;
- Please type your post in Word and save as a .doc file.
- It should be written in a professional manner, but can express self-opinion or thoughts;
- It should be consisted of short paragraphs, bullet points and sub-headers. Posts must be optimized with a relevant primary keyword and 2 to 3 secondary keywords.
- Text should be between 500 and 1000 words;
- Make sure to send more images, videos, infographics and/or quotations along with your text.
- Please provide high-quality images for each paragraph (800 px or larger) corresponding to your text. If your article is a photoessay, then you need to include 10-20 high-quality images.
- I reserve the right to insert links in your text to other posts, tags or categories seen on com.
- You are allowed to add one backlink to your blog. I do not accept articles from freelancers that have included paid links (or I will treat them as sponsored posts hence demand payment). For sponsored content, contact me
- Articles may be edited before published on my website, but I will get your final approval;
Some technical writing suggestions that you can apply when you write your post:
- Clarity – For the same reasons as above, make your content concise and clear. Avoid very long sentences, and paragraphs should also be kept short.
- Accessibility – You can give people a way to contact you. Please include a short statement about yourself at the end of your blog, with a link to your website or social media accounts.
- Structure – Unlike other literary pieces, a blog post can start with a statement or decision then have an explanation later. Get to the point straight away and then back up your argument. It will get people interested in what you have to say – you have to grab their attention quickly.
- Tone – Blog posts are often read quite quickly and at a time when the reader is multitasking (for example on the commute to work, or whilst eating lunch at their desk). As such you want to try to use a conversationalist tone – type your posts as you would say them out loud. If you’re worried about how long your post should be, the golden rule is less is more.
- Title – This is often the last thing you think about, but the most important part of your blog post. Try to keep it under 10 words long, and make it engaging, either by posing a question or making a statement.